
“I believe in offering a kind, but firm voice of reason that guides personal development and emotional wellness.” ~Travis Lloyd

Why Get A Mentor / Life Coach?

We all need a push in the right direction … Everyone struggles to make big life decisions, cope with stress and make sense of problems while working towards goals. Most importantly, we need wisdom and guidance to allow us to stay on the proper path and focus on goals that improve our lives. Consider the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Not even they can make all the best decisions. CEOs hire consultants and knowledgeable people with experience to support them.
(Read 4 Myths About Mentors In Forbes Magazine)

“Changing your mindset to achieve your own definition of greatness takes more than a dedication to personal growth, it takes the proper motivation and wisdom.”

“As your Mentor & Coach, I offer the same non-judgmental compassion that I offer my clients when I serve as a Mental Health Crisis Worker, helping people through the toughest times of their lives – truly life or death situations. Your life, goals and plans are just as critical to your happiness. I provide support, insight and strategic planning to help you reach your potential – Against All Odds.” ~Travis Lloyd

To help get you started, here’s a great Forbes article from a friend of mine about how to tactfully and intentionally approach mentors. Whether you and I collaborate together or not, this will add valuable insight to your work or school life.

Hire Travis As Your Life Coach Or Mentor. Call 646-535-TRAV (8728)

Read This Article That Answers The Question, “What Is Mentoring?”

Learn More About Travis Lloyd’s Credibility and Personal and Professional Experience.

For consultation related to event planning or speaking engagements please visit the Work With Travis section.

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